From father to son, a wine story...

40 Route d'Auxerre 89800 CHABLIS France

09 74 56 13 69

A Vineyard in Chablis



The VOCORET family is one of the oldest families in Chablis. All generations of the VOCORET family were born in the heart of the old village of Chablis.


Founded by Edouard Vocoret in 1870, DOMAINE VOCORET, a family business for four generations, has always strived to perpetuate and develop the vineyard with, as the primary objective, respect for the terroir and constant improvement.


Originally located in a small street of Vieux Chablis, the vineyard was afterwards transferred to Rue Emile Zola. Robert VOCORET took over the expansion and development of the vineyard with the purchase of new lands. Not to mention, his wife Yvonne, who held an important role in the management of the vineyard and welcoming customers coming to buy their wine at the estate.


He then passed on the responsibilities to his two sons, MICHEL and CLAUDE, who divided the tasks between them. Michel looked after the vine while Claude looked after the winery, the winemaking process and commercial relations. The vineyard, which was in constant development, then moved to 40, Route d'Auxerre at Chablis, its current location.


Then came the time of retirement for Michel and Claude who were succeeded by their own sons. Jérôme, Michel's son, took over the vine part, and Patrice, Claude's son, took over the winemaking process and commercial relations. Sylvain, Patrice's brother, has joined the estate a few years ago and assists Jérôme in the vineyard.


Today, the estate consists of about forty hectares spread over the four appellations.


JEROME VOCORET puts his dedication and passion at the service of the vineyard, providing care and supervision throughout the seasons.


In the cellars, the winemaking process is carried out under the watchful eye of PATRICE VOCORET, who strives to produce wines of an irreproachable quality where the full range of aromas of the Chablis terroir can be discovered.


The estate has always invested in new equipment and machinery of the latest technologies, all the while always strictly maintaining the traditions.


The marketing of the estate's wines is done globally.

Vineyard - Burgundy